Friday, October 15, 2010


Walking the alleyways of Spokane the other day with Amy, was something I have never done before my whole 24 years in this town. I have never once appreciated the architecture of the different textured buildings. As Amy and I walked and enjoyed the sites we were also talking and contemplating on life. As a 24 year old I thought for sure I would have something, one thing in life figured out.
Turns out that is not true. At all. I have too many things I want to do. I want to work with women and abuse, or children. I want to travel the world and work in an orphanage in Africa. I want to get married and have a family. I want to move to my own apartment. I want to move out of Spokane. I want to go to graduate school. I want to play and not work. I want to work more.
I thought by now I would at least have the love part figured out. That is not true either. I have figured out the friendship love, however. That is something that this year has been truley remarkable for. My friends have become family, taking care of each other, loving each even when it gets hard, and being able to play and laugh together.
After our walk, Amy and I played a game, while drinking wine, of course. She wrote on one side of the paper what emily wants, and on the other what amy wants. We put up a barrier so we couldn't peak on what each other were saying. Then after 20 minutes of writing and being distracted we read each others. We both had ones that we will get done this week. She wants jeans and i want neon track suits, naturally.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Em, can we please get together when Christmas is over? I thought about you often when I was in Africa. Love Emily
